“Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, ‘Clear the way through the wilderness for the LORD! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!” (Isaiah 40:3 NLT)
…is a first testament scripture that we know was meant as a prophecy about the coming of the Messiah and was applied to John the Baptist as herald of Jesus. But, in addition to that the sentiment of the scripture is still applicable to us too as we proclaim The Lord’s second coming.
Believers are all called to go into the ‘wilderness’ to represent Christ, but within the context of HipHop ministry that can be even more apparent. It’s easier to hang with people, and in places that you’re familiar with, but the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20) calls us to go out into the unknown.
Ozay Moore is one of those ultra-unique veterans in the hip-hop game. Not only does he flaunt a career that has spanned over 20 years and 10 albums and is considered in the top 14 Christian Emcees of all time, but he also holds credentials that are bigger than hip-hop itself. As a community organizer, teacher and the director for Lansing, Michigan’s All of the Above Academy–a collective that focuses on teaching hip-hop from the perspective of self-discipline, community awareness, artistic expression and educational forward thinking–Ozay has successfully taken his experience from a lengthy hip-hop career (and a career traveling the likes of Europe, Japan and the United States) to empower, influence and inspire the youth and his community in Mid-Michigan.